About Us….
We are a group of engineers, based out of Kolkata, who have been involved in the water market in India and have over 22 years of experience in this field.
Presently we are providing need-based water purification and wastewater solutions directly to our various clients under the name “Kolkata Water & Environment”.
We are one of the fastest growing companies that provide solution in the field of water.

Why Water Matters….
Water is integral to our existence. However, despite three quarters of the earth’s surface covered by water, only a fraction of the global population has access to a consistent source of WHO-standard potable water supply.
As per expert estimates, 70% to 75% of Earth’s surface is made of water of which only 2.5% is fresh water, fit for human consumption. Of this 2.5% only 0.5 % is available ground water and 0.01% is the readily accessible water in lakes, streams, rivers etc. The rest is located as ice caps. This significant statistics answers emerging queries of the need to recycle and reuse water effectively. As Kolkata Water & Environment, we understand this well and hence our endeavor to bring out the message of using water efficiently. Water is core of what we do.
Kolkata Water & Environment is looking to all possible ways to meet the requirement of water of people / industry at the most economical price through its long experience and association to the water field.
Our Vision….
It is the vision of Kolkata Water & Environment to be a leading technology provider developing need based solutions for the environmentally sustainable treatment of the water.
Our Ethics….
Kolkata Water & Environment has its values based on
- Integrity
- Dignity
- Honesty
- Quality
- Responsibility
- Safety
- Continuous Improvement

Our Growing Clientele….Which are under successful operation
Kolkata Water & Environmenthas growing clientele of both domestic and industrial customer.
We are the consultant for water related projects to M/s Wellman Wacoma Limited, the leading furnace manufacturer from South Africa having its major presence in India for all steel plants.
We are also supplying Reverse Osmosis, Ultra Filtration Units, Softeners, Dual Media Filter and need based solutions to our various industrial and domestic clients which are in successful operation.
Some Interesting Facts ….
- Over 5 billion people do not have access to clean, safe water.
- The recommended daily water requirement for sanitation, bathing, cooking and consumption is approximately 50 litres per person per day.
- Over 1 billion people use less than 6 litres of water per day.
- Agriculture is responsible for about 70% of the world’s water usage. Industry uses a further 22%.
- 443 million school days are lost each year due to water related illness.
- In India alone, water born diseases cost the economy 73 million working days per year.
- Global sales of bottled water account for over Rs: 3,000- 4,000 billion each year.
- It takes about 300 litres of water to make the paper for just one Sunday newspaper.
- It takes over 11,000 litres of water to produce a pound of coffee.
- It takes up to 5000 litresof water to produce 1kg of rice.
- It takes 4 – 8 litres of Water to produce 1 litre of Beer.
- It takes 1000 litre of water to build an automobile.
- About 70% of the available fresh water is used for agriculture.
- It takes about 2000 litres of water to build a cotton garment.